The Issue.
Not only is freshwater a vital natural resource we need to sustain
everyday life, it is also a valuable raw material for product
manufacturing and is required in massive amounts for crop irrigation.
of the Earth’s water is freshwater, and of that, only one third is
available to us (the rest is frozen in glaciers). Considering that
more than 1 billion people lack access to water and that water systems
around the world like rivers, lakes, and wetlands are shrinking and
becoming polluted, we have a duty to educate ourselves about how we
can respect water resources better.
Responsible water management supports the
UN’s Sustainable Development Goal #6 - Ensure availability and
sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
#14 - Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine
resources for sustainable development.

What we are doing.
We are tracking our water use in our facilities and starting to
examine the water impact our products have at the source.
For example, we are looking at innovative ways to reduce our water
consumption, from recycling the water that is used for heating and
cooling in our manufacturing facilities, to looking at the impact our
products have on water stressed areas.

What you can do.
Beyond the obvious things like turning off the tap while brushing
your teeth and taking shorter showers, it can be tough to know how
to reduce your water consumption. One important way to reduce your
impact is to choose less water-intensive products and foods.
Many everyday household products that contain water can be found in
waterless-formats, like laundry detergent, surface cleaners, and
At least a quarter of the world’s crops are grown in highly water
stressed areas. A place is in “water stress” if more water is being
withdrawn than can be replenished through the natural water cycles
of the Earth. Learn about water intensive foods that are being grown
in water stressed places and see if you can make adjustments to your
food selections.

Curious to know more? We love questions. Feel free to message us
through our
contact page and we'll get
back to you.
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