How to Prevent and Solve for Product Pilling.

Issues like product pilling can be frustrating. You apply your products diligently, only to see them ball up and roll off your skin (which can feel like your skin is peeling off–don’t worry, it’s not). While frustrating, you are not alone. It’s something that our community experiences and in this blog, we will help you explore what product pilling is, why it happens, and most importantly, how to fix it.

What is Product Pilling?

Product pilling occurs when skincare products form tiny balls on the surface of your skin instead of being absorbed. This can leave your skin feeling uneven and your products ineffective. It happens because of various factors, from layering incorrectly, to ingredient incompatibility. Understanding these causes can help you achieve a smoother, more effective application.

Product Pilling Causes

Let’s dive into why product pilling occurs:

  1. The formulation in your skincare regimen - Sometimes, the formulation just isn’t right for our skin. And we may not notice that as we layer other products, or if we rush through a regimen without allowing each product to fully absorb. Take your time and let each layer sink in. This is why it’s important to find a regimen that works for you, which you can learn through our How to Build a Regimen guide. And we always recommend a patch test with all of our products to ensure it’s right for your skin.

  2. Incorrect layering application - The order in which you apply your products matters. Incorrect layering can cause products to sit on top of each other and mix rather than being absorbed. An example of this would be applying an oil before a water-based serum. Consult our Layering Guide to learn more about the order of product application.

  3. Over-applying - Using too much product can leave excess product on your skin, leading to pilling. Refer to product use guides to understand how much should be used, as with most of our products, a little goes a long way.

  4. Need to exfoliate - Dead skin cells can affect product absorption, and may also mix with the product during application and lead to pilling.

  5. Compatibility matters - Not all products are meant to be layered. Some combinations may simply not work together, and that’s okay. Alternating skin regimens on different days based on skin concerns is a way to use products to address your needs without causing pilling.

How to Address Product Pilling.

To help you tackle this issue, we have some tips that can help you. First and foremost, patience is key. By giving a few more seconds, or minutes, can help allow each product to fully absorb before moving on to the next. This simple step can make a big difference.

Next, layering your product correctly, that is, applying product in the recommended order, is key. Follow the correct order of application: start with water-based serums, followed by anhydrous solutions and oil formulations, and finish with suspensions and creams. For a detailed guide, check out our Layering Guide blog.

We generally recommend using 2-3 drops of serums, and a pea sized amount of creams or suspensions for the entire face and neck. This helps prevent over-application and ensures your skin can absorb each layer effectively.

Finally, ingredient compatibility can affect pilling. Some combinations may be more prone to it, so it’s essential to find what works best for your skin.

For example, polymers, such as those found in skincare products like thickeners in serums and creams, can cause pilling due to their chain and mesh-like structures - these can clump together, contributing to the issue.

These ingredients may not be easy to recognise without a chemistry degree but, when in doubt, follow the above steps, introducing one new product into your regimen at a time. If you experience piling, you'll know what product combinations to avoid.

Answering Your FAQs

Does Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1% cause pilling?

Using Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1% according to the recommendations above should minimize the likelihood of pilling occurring. Ensure you’re applying it in the right order and allowing it to absorb fully. Because it’s a water-based serum, we recommend using it first in your Treat step. If applying with another water-based serum (such as HA 2% + B5), start with the serum that addresses your primary skin concern first, and then use the other.

Does The Ordinary Natural Moisturizing Factors + HA pill?

If applied too thickly or layered improperly, even our Natural Moisturizing Factors + HA can pill. We advise using a small amount, and add as needed. Also, be sure to apply as your last step, as it’s a cream to be included in the Seal step.

Can too much Hyaluronic Acid cause pilling?

Yes, too much hyaluronic acid can lead to pilling. Stick to recommended amounts and layer with compatible products.

Why does Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5 flake off?

Flaking often occurs due to over-application or layering with incompatible products. Use sparingly and follow proper layering techniques.

How do I layer oils and the Soothing & Barrier Support Serum ?

Our Soothing & Barrier Support Serum is an emulsion and should be applied before any oil formulations or creams, but after any water-based serums. When layering products of different consistencies like these, remember that less is often more.

Your Next Steps to Non-Pilling Application.

To sum up, preventing and addressing product pilling involves a mix of patience, correct layering, and understanding your product’s compatibility. Experiment with your regimen and don’t be afraid to adjust as needed. For personalized advice, check out our regimen builder, or our Customer Happiness team is always here to help. Don’t forget to try our Regimen Builder and explore further reading with our How to Build a Regimen and Layering Guide blogs

The Ordinary Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1%
The Ordinary
6.00 USD

Textural Irregularities

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9.90 USD


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The Ordinary Glycolic Acid 7% Exfoliating Toner
The Ordinary
8.70 USD

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The Ordinary Multi-Peptide + HA Serum
The Ordinary
19.90 USD

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10.80 USD


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The Ordinary Azelaic Acid Suspension 10%
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12.20 USD

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The Ordinary Natural Moisturizing Factors + HA
The Ordinary
6.70 USD


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The Ordinary Retinal 0.2% Emulsion
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14.90 USD

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The Ordinary Squalane Cleanser
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10.50 USD


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